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You can call me Robin

I am engaged in java backend and web3 contract development. I am a person who has many ideas, loves to share and loves to learn new technologies!

If you want to contact me, you can contact me via telegram! telegram: QGxvYWZlcl9s (base64)

work skill

I am relatively familiar with the eth chain, bnb chain, and apt chain, and have an in-depth understanding of lp staking and swap, V2swap exchange, etc.

solidity skill

1. Be proficient in the Solidity programming language and understand basic syntax such as contract structure, functions, and variable declarations.

2. Understand the data types, control structures, function modifiers, etc. in Solidity.

3. Ability to write smart contracts, including standard contracts such as ERC-20 and ERC-721.

4. Understand the life cycle, deployment, calling, etc. of smart contracts.

5. Understand the basic principles and operating mechanisms of the Ethereum blockchain network.

6. Know how to connect to the Ethereum network and choose the appropriate node service.

7. Master Ethereum JavaScript libraries such as Web3.js or Ethers.js to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.

8. Able to call contract functions through the library, query status and send transactions.

9. Familiar with Solidity development frameworks such as Hardhat for contract compilation, testing and deployment.

10. Understand the security issues of smart contracts and avoid common vulnerabilities, such as re-entrancy attacks, overflows, etc.

11. Use tools to conduct code audits to ensure the security of the contract.

12. Optimize the gas consumption of smart contracts and improve the execution efficiency of contracts.

13. Understand the concepts of gas price and gas limit.

java skill

1. I'm familiar with the Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Spring Cloud Alibaba microservices framework system and suites. I have expertise in service registration and discovery, service rate limiting, degradation, and circuit breaking. Additionally, I possess hands-on experience in live production environments and am knowledgeable about commonly used high-concurrency solutions.

2. I am proficient in writing and optimizing SQL queries for databases, with practical experience in transactions, indexing, and online optimization of slow SQL queries.

3. I have a deep understanding of Redis, including the various use cases for caching different data structures. I comprehend high-availability clusters, and I am knowledgeable about Redis distributed lock usage. Additionally, I am familiar with persistence and clustering in Redis.

4.Familiar with common web development concepts, including HTTP protocol, RESTful architecture, etc.

5. Have a basic understanding of modern front-end frameworks (such as React, Angular or Vue.js).

6. Understand and practice microservice architecture, including service discovery, containerization (Docker), container orchestration (Kubernetes), etc.

7. I am proficient in using message queue (MQ) components for asynchronous processing. I am familiar with the ACK message acknowledgment mechanism, considerations related to message loss, message ordering, and handling scenarios involving duplicate message consumption.

8. Be familiar with common security vulnerabilities and preventive measures, including cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), etc.

9. Implement authentication and authorization and understand OAuth and JWT.

10. Familiar with version control tools, such as Git.

11. I am familiar with Linux, including basic operational and deployment commands. I have a command of commonly used Docker commands and understand the process of handling project code, including compilation, image building, and deployment to Kubernetes clusters.

12. I am familiar with distributed transaction solutions and have a deep understanding of distributed CAP theory and BASE theory. I have expertise in both rigid transaction models such as 2PC (Two-Phase Commit) and 3PC (Three-Phase Commit), as well as flexible transaction models like TCC (Try-Confirm-Cancel), local message table, independent message service for distributed transactions, reliable message eventual consistency, and best-effort notification.

mysql,postgresql,oracle skill

1. Be proficient in SQL (Structured Query Language), including basic operations such as adding, deleting, modifying, and querying data.

2. Understand advanced SQL operations such as complex queries, joins, and subqueries.

3. Be able to design standardized database models, including table design, relationship establishment, index use, etc.

4. Understand the concepts of normalization and de-normalization.

5. Understand the types of indexes (such as B-tree indexes, hash indexes) and their role in database query performance optimization.

6. Be able to select appropriate fields to create indexes and avoid index abuse.

7. Understand the concept of database transactions and master the ACID characteristics of transactions.

8. Be able to use transactions correctly to ensure data consistency and integrity.

9. Use database performance analysis tools to locate and solve problems such as slow queries and performance bottlenecks.

10. Optimize query statements to avoid full table scans and improve query efficiency.

11. Avoid security threats such as SQL injection.

12. Familiar with master-slave replication, read-write separation and other technologies.

github source code